Monday, January 31, 2011

Spare Tires Are So Ugly...

So check me out....

This morning everything was fine and dandy until POP! My back tire decides to give up on life and dies in the middle of me driving to work. So gladly, I was able to make it to the work parking lot without driving solely on my rims as sparks fly out of the back of my car.

Anyway... tires are expensive and now I have to drop a few hundred dollars on new tires... man... FML for real.

Women And Clothes

So I was putting away clothes the other day and found that my wife has more clothes than hangers... I mean damn.... SERIOUSLY?!?! Now this is not only with my wife, it is with all women. It is like there is not enough clothes in the world to satisfy them.

Don't get me wrong, I love a woman with nice clothes and heels from time to time. But you do not need 100 dresses just cuz you have pictures with a certain dress on Facebook and do not want pictures to be taken while wearing the same dress on a different occassion. Who the hell cares? If you are not a celebrity, you should not care about what people think. That is specially true if you are married. That is just the fact of the matter.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ignore This Post: Adsense Snippet

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My Links: Get To Know Dre On A Personal Level!

Hey Guys!

I just want to make sure that I have all of you on my Facebook! If I don't... send me a request and I will gladly accept! It is the easiest way to keep in touch with my friends, fans and family. You will also be able to check out my crazy random posts lol.


Also add me on Twitter for you "Tweeters"!

For those of you that do not know me... get to know me on my YouTube page!

For those of you gamers out there, check out my counter-part MASTeRMIND and I's gaming community channel on YouTube here!

Check Out Then Vote For My Music Video!!

Hey guys! Be sure to vote my video as your favorite video so I can win the "Don't Fu** Up Our Beats" competition! I hope all of my fans support me to the fullest and vote for your favorite Hip Hop artist! Help me change Hip Hop to what it should sound like!

Check me out below!

In order to vote, go to the following link:

And put in your e-mail address under my video. You will be sent an e-mail confirmation. Go to the confirmation e-mail and click "Yes I Like This Video" and your vote is in!

Thank you in advance for your support!

