Monday, July 11, 2011

DreTheConcept | Top Three Album Cover Designs!

Friday, June 24, 2011

I was not always successful....

So today is a new day. New ventures, new drama... NEW EVERYTHING. I think everyone should take life a day at a time but... still be concerned with the future. Those who think that good things will come to them while just letting life pass by slowly are NAIVE! You have to be a go getter in this "dog eat dog" world of ours.

Word of advice for those of you that are younger and about to get your first real life experience of life... have a plan. Do not just think that your parents are going to write you bullets to follow throughout the next ten years of your life. You will never know how long they will be there. So it is time to learn how to fly by getting pushed from the nest on top of the tree that your parents have nested you in.

Story: When I was 18... I had no drive. I did not know what to do with my life... so I settled. I went to the local community college because my parents made me... then, I ended up dropping out after I gave up on actually doing homework and showing up for class. I did not have any discipline whatsoever. My organizational skills were not developed and I thought I could just skim by on a minimum wage job for the rest of life. At this time, I worked at a local shoe store that I thought paid pretty well ($10 and hour). At that point, I just thought I would just stay there and work for the rest of my life.

It was not until several months of pressure to go back to school or to have a plan drawn up that my parents forced me to make a plan for my life. I then got off of my ass and went to join the U.S. Coast Guard. This occurred after a hurricane down in  Florida so apparently the Coast Guard recruiting office was off for the week. As I was heading to my car... the U.S. Army recruiter asked me to come and check out their opportunities while eating some free pizza lol. It was then... that I took the plunge and ended up joining the U.S. Army.

I never regret joining the military as it is the reason why I am successful today. I drive a nice car, own a big ass house, I travel, I have a beautiful wife and a really awesome and cute dog lol. It is those that do not use the full benefit of the military that go in and come back out with the same perspective of life.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

DreTheConcept Is Now Sponsored By CustomControllerzz!

Hey guys,

Recently, I have been approached by a few controller companies and had them offer me partnerships/sponsorship with them. I was flattered to find out that people really liked my stuff and would like to work with me on another level!

I was offered deals by three companies... one will go un-mentioned, the other two were ImagineCustoms and CustomControllerzz. Both were very lucrative and really appreciated my material. I took a look at both of their websites and I honestly believed that CustomControllerzz did better work dispite them being smaller on YouTube than ImagineCustoms. But I do not care about subscribers or that you sponsor FaZe clan. I am already cool with many of the members of FaZe so why sell me the whole "you will get noticed with us" when I am not looking for that?

Here is where CustomControllerzz really got me. Their manager got in touch with me and offered to link me up with the owner. The manager was mad cool and really gave me the support I need. He took the time to get to know me, appreciate my work, and link me with the boss. Then... the boss himself called me and also took the time to get to know me on a personal level. I thought that spoke very highly of their ethics and ways of business. Even though CustomControllerzz knew that ImagineCustoms and another un-named company were trying to poach me, "CC" never spoke negatively of them. It takes a real and genuine human being not to talk bad about your competition. That definitely sold me over.

In the end, I am sticking with CustomControllerzz. I made a sick track for them which will be going up on YouTube soon enough. I am actually thinking of doing a mini music video/promo for them to the song I made.

Shit has been hectic... but I am trying my best to keep my head in the game.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Check Out!

So... I have struggled in attempting to find somewhere where I can park my domain. I do not have an "official" website per se but I do have a nice site over at Squidoo.

I then redirected my URL to my Squidoo site so it is easier to look for when searching for me on the web. I really suggest you bookmark as it will continue to change as we go into the future. I will be posting up my newest videos on my site so be sure to keep checking back continuously!

Thank you for your continued support! Hope to see some nice comments on my new page! ;)


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Video Up!

Hey guys, check out a video that includes a song by me, DreTheConcept. I made this song a few weeks ago and it was finally released recently =) I would like to share it with you guys!

Here it is:

Going To Miami!

As some of you have already or will be experiencing, I am going to Miami to see my sister graduate from high school! She graduates tomorrow but my wife and I will be leaving to Miami from Tampa this afternoon in order to be there for her graduation tomorrow.

It brings me pride to see my little sister graduate. She will be living with my wife and I up in Tampa as she is going to be going to school here.

Onto a seperate subject, I CANNOT STAND MIAMI!!!! There is so much traffic there... it is so damn annoying! So I am kind of dreading going but... it is not such a big deal. I can manage :)

I will be posting again soon!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My New Non Copyright Music Channel!

Hey guys! I want you all to check out my new non copyright music channel. Here you will be able to listen to music that does not have copyright and download it to use on your montages.

This will be a one stop source for all of your montage music needs! Thanks! Please spread the word! We made this channel for you!

Here is the link for you guys:

Awesome day yesterday!!!

So yesterday was a very productive day!

I was able to get some of my custom songs on BestCODShots, HazardCinema and on eRa Snipin. Yes... this was all in one day!

It seems that I am growing extremely fast as a hip hop artist for which I thank my fans for taking me this far. So far, I have almost 12,000 subscribers on YouTube and I am hopeful to receive more in the future as I have some big projects coming up.

I am not starting to charge for my services because it is getting too expensive for me to copyright all of my work out of pocket and not charge a dime. Please contact me at to inquire about prices. We will take it from there...

Thank you so much for supporting my music!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Goodness... I am getting overwhelmed...

Hey everyone,

I know no one follows my blogger but I decided to write something since I am a bit bored right now.

So I am noticing that my music is starting to spread like wildfire and people are subbing me left and right as well as asking me to make custom music for them.

I am flattered that you guys are enjoying my music but... I can only make music when I have spare time and my time is limited. Maybe one day when I become HUGE on YouTube and I start my own label or something, I will then be able to quit my job and concentrate more on making music for you guys to enjoy!

Music has always been my passion and I would loe to do it for the rest of my life. I just have too many things to worry about now since I have lots of responsibilities. It is now how it was like back when I was a kid and I could just come home and sit on my ass anymore :(

So please consider that when coming to me for music. I may take a while but I will try and get to those that can add benefit to my channel. By that I mean, individuals who have tons of subs or people that are willing to pay a fee for my services.

Please e-mail me at: For serious inquiries or fanmail :)

Thank you for all of your support!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Spare Tires Are So Ugly...

So check me out....

This morning everything was fine and dandy until POP! My back tire decides to give up on life and dies in the middle of me driving to work. So gladly, I was able to make it to the work parking lot without driving solely on my rims as sparks fly out of the back of my car.

Anyway... tires are expensive and now I have to drop a few hundred dollars on new tires... man... FML for real.

Women And Clothes

So I was putting away clothes the other day and found that my wife has more clothes than hangers... I mean damn.... SERIOUSLY?!?! Now this is not only with my wife, it is with all women. It is like there is not enough clothes in the world to satisfy them.

Don't get me wrong, I love a woman with nice clothes and heels from time to time. But you do not need 100 dresses just cuz you have pictures with a certain dress on Facebook and do not want pictures to be taken while wearing the same dress on a different occassion. Who the hell cares? If you are not a celebrity, you should not care about what people think. That is specially true if you are married. That is just the fact of the matter.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ignore This Post: Adsense Snippet

<p>This post confirms my ownership of the site and that this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and Terms and Conditions.</p>

My Links: Get To Know Dre On A Personal Level!

Hey Guys!

I just want to make sure that I have all of you on my Facebook! If I don't... send me a request and I will gladly accept! It is the easiest way to keep in touch with my friends, fans and family. You will also be able to check out my crazy random posts lol.


Also add me on Twitter for you "Tweeters"!

For those of you that do not know me... get to know me on my YouTube page!

For those of you gamers out there, check out my counter-part MASTeRMIND and I's gaming community channel on YouTube here!

Check Out Then Vote For My Music Video!!

Hey guys! Be sure to vote my video as your favorite video so I can win the "Don't Fu** Up Our Beats" competition! I hope all of my fans support me to the fullest and vote for your favorite Hip Hop artist! Help me change Hip Hop to what it should sound like!

Check me out below!

In order to vote, go to the following link:

And put in your e-mail address under my video. You will be sent an e-mail confirmation. Go to the confirmation e-mail and click "Yes I Like This Video" and your vote is in!

Thank you in advance for your support!

