Thursday, June 16, 2011

DreTheConcept Is Now Sponsored By CustomControllerzz!

Hey guys,

Recently, I have been approached by a few controller companies and had them offer me partnerships/sponsorship with them. I was flattered to find out that people really liked my stuff and would like to work with me on another level!

I was offered deals by three companies... one will go un-mentioned, the other two were ImagineCustoms and CustomControllerzz. Both were very lucrative and really appreciated my material. I took a look at both of their websites and I honestly believed that CustomControllerzz did better work dispite them being smaller on YouTube than ImagineCustoms. But I do not care about subscribers or that you sponsor FaZe clan. I am already cool with many of the members of FaZe so why sell me the whole "you will get noticed with us" when I am not looking for that?

Here is where CustomControllerzz really got me. Their manager got in touch with me and offered to link me up with the owner. The manager was mad cool and really gave me the support I need. He took the time to get to know me, appreciate my work, and link me with the boss. Then... the boss himself called me and also took the time to get to know me on a personal level. I thought that spoke very highly of their ethics and ways of business. Even though CustomControllerzz knew that ImagineCustoms and another un-named company were trying to poach me, "CC" never spoke negatively of them. It takes a real and genuine human being not to talk bad about your competition. That definitely sold me over.

In the end, I am sticking with CustomControllerzz. I made a sick track for them which will be going up on YouTube soon enough. I am actually thinking of doing a mini music video/promo for them to the song I made.

Shit has been hectic... but I am trying my best to keep my head in the game.


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